Impaired Concentration & Focus / Brain Fog

Are you finding it harder and harder to focus on even the simplest of tasks? Do you lose concentration when you read, write or speak? Do you find it difficult to keep your thoughts on track? Do you regularly lose your train of thought during conversations? Does your brain feel like it’s covered in a thick fog or swimming in a stew? Do you find it hard to follow the thread of a conversation? Are you unable to sustain your attention one task for more than a few minutes? Impaired concentration and focus, or the feeling that your brain is shrouded in fog, can be a sign of an undiagnosed, untreated, or undertreated vision problem. . Patients who have problems with concentration or focus may be able to improve their ability to attend through nutritional therapy, vision therapy and / or eyeglasses with prisms, colored lenses and / or low plus lenses. Contact Dr. Stephey for a comprehensive behavioral exam. For more information about the role of vision in impaired concentration and focus, visit our Resources page.