Gait and Balance

One of Dr. Stephey’s main constituencies is patients recovering from brain changes from stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI) or other brain-altering conditions. Many times, such patients struggle with balance or gait problems. Older patients may also develop balance and gait problems, which IS NOT a normal part of aging, in spite of what you’ve been led to believe. These patients benefit from a comprehensive behavioral  / neurodevelopmental eye exam and nutritional therapy, vision therapy, and / or the use of neuro-lenses (special eyeglasses with prisms, low-plus and / or colored lenses).  Dr. Stephey’s patients, typically, can dramatically improve their gait or balance problems after a through examination. Contact Dr. Stephey for a comprehensive neuro-developmental eye exam . For more detailed information about the role of vision in stroke or TBI recovery, colored lenses, and improving your gait or balance problems, visit our resources page.